Day 6

Day 6: Care: Taking Care of My Body

Watch the Video Above: Care - Jeff

Overview: Our body will go through cycles of strength, weakness, frustration, anger, peace, confusion, guilt, addiction and many more emotions and actions. How do I take care of the body that God has given me? How am I watching what I eat and drink? What kind of work-out plan do I have for my body? When do I create times of peace and quietness? Do I schedule and make my annual health appointments? The way you take care of your body will eventually show up at some point.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:20 NLT

20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.

Practical Guide: Today, I am going set up a scheduled work out plan and a healthy eating plan for myself. I will spend time walking to get my heart rate up, drink lots of water and eat healthy today.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, as my body is important to You, help me to take care of it as it is God’s temple. Help me to honor You and to live in wisdom and not in fear, as You have promised to bring healing and refreshment to my body if I am obedient to Your Word. Help me not to defile the “Temple of God” as this will affect my life both physically and my relationship with You.  

Quiet Time Moment: For the next 60 seconds, sit quietly (without distractions), embrace the presence of the Lord and seek to hear His voice.